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Timo Eronen, 2016-10-06 13:11

Submit Grid Job

======================== DRAFT ===============================

First you need to create a Personal Certificate according to this help: Obtain_the_Personal_Certificate

1. Extract the Personal Certificate.

Your Personal Certificate is stored into the Web Browser where you created it. To extract it for Grid usage proceed as follows:

Locate the certificate in your Browser. It's placed under something like "Preferences" => "Advanced" => "Certificates" => "View Certificates" => "Your Certificates".

It's hard to tell where it is as there are too many different Browsers and versions, but the name of the Certificate should be TERENA and your name and email are part of the Certificate.

Now "Backup" or "Export" the Certificate, or whatever options you have to Extract the Certificate into a file.

Updated by Timo Eronen about 8 years ago · 3 revisions